Dastan Beket
From OtanWiki
Dastan Beket
A Portrait of the Dastan Beket
Titles | Herald of the Garis Triumvirate |
Race | Garis |
Nationality | Garis Triumvirate |
Languages | Otani language, Garis language |
Archetype | Politician |
Religion | Wodenism (Fenris) |
Home | Trappist, Akimisilik Region, Garis Triumvirate |
Birthdate/Place | 27th of Akpan, 235 IM |
5e Equivalence | Bard (15) |
5e Alignment | Lawful Good |
Hand-chosen by the triumvirs of the Garis Triumvirate Dastan Beket is on a mission to bring an end to the Garis War by encouraging the surrender of all the nations that they oppose.
The Ninth Lotus of Aspan has unsuccessfully attempted to accept the surrender of Jalinjeri.
To negotiate the peaceful surrender of anyone not already conquered by the Garis Triumvirate. Dastan has no idea how humans or any of the Otani races can stand to live in such primitive settings and hope that one day the Garis way will enlighten them.
Player Notes[edit]
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