Beket Musabek

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Beket Musabek
A Portrait of Beket Musabek
Titles Captain of the Balagash City Guard
Race Human (Ortalykshilar)
Nationality Ortalyk
Archetype Fighter
Religion Wodenism
Home Balagash, Karagay Province, Ortalyk
Birthdate/Place 2nd of Mamir, 224 IM Muyiz, Neim Province, Ortalyk
5e Equivalence Fighter (10)
5e Alignment Neutral Good

Beket Musabek is the Captain of the Balagash City Guard. Beket Musabek was the ranking guardsman of the Balagash City Guard before the arrival of Hedgewind Jalinbeti. The latter quit the post of Captain of the Guard on the 12th of Mamir, 261 IM. Beket was the natural replacement. His position is expected to be long and uneventful.



Player Notes[edit]