Fifth Farthing Session

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Fifth Farthing Session
The privateer, Briny Baroness.
Campaign The Farthing Campaign
Game Date Friday, July 22nd, 2021
Start Date Mamir 28, 261 IM
Start Location On the south shore of Araldar near Nurlybek
Ending Date Silde 1, 261 IM
Ending Location Jagalik, Araldar
Next Session Sixth Farthing Session

The Fifth Farthing Session began on shore in southern Araldar with the party bandaging up the heavily wounded Captain Aykerim Abruy. Realizing that his ship, the Marjan was possibly damaged beyond repair (the crew reporting that some green creature did them in), Madil Zhadyra and crew decided just to settle for the ship's booty and custody of the captain in exchange for the lives of the crew.

Treasure Map

The crew dispersed and Captain Abruy surrendered a map to the buried treasure before he was manacled aboard the Briny Baroness.

Another bounty secure, or was it???

Party Notes

Hey gang!  If I left anything out, please make a note of it here and I'll add it in.