First Tertiary Session

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First Tertiary Session
A Humble Plan
Campaign The Tertiary Campaign
Start Date Morning, Mawsim 16th, 261 IM
Start Location The Sleepy Hollow, Maral, Soltustik
Ending Date Evening, Mawsim 17th, 261 IM
Ending Location The Sleepy Hollow, Maral, Soltustik
Next Session Second Tertiary Session

The morning started as any other for the party, in the sleepy little inn and tavern called the The Sleepy Hollow in the quiet little town of Maral, Soltustik. The Knight of the Maral Watch, Adylet Syrym, arrived early at the tavern and addressed the party. He said that a wizard by the name of Mambet Mambet, lives just out of town and is known to frequent this very tavern.

Adylet Syrym expressed his concern and that the wizard had not been in town for a long time; too long; and he asked the party if they would make a trip out to his cabin and check on his well-being.

Wolves Descend on the Party