First Tertiary Session
Campaign | The Tertiary Campaign |
Start Date | Morning, Mawsim 16th, 261 IM |
Start Location | The Sleepy Hollow, Maral, Soltustik |
Ending Date | Evening, Mawsim 17th, 261 IM |
Ending Location | The Sleepy Hollow, Maral, Soltustik |
Next Session | Second Tertiary Session |
The morning started as any other for the party, in the sleepy little inn and tavern called the The Sleepy Hollow in the quiet little town of Maral, Soltustik.
Case of the Missing Mage[edit]
The Knight of the Maral Watch, Adylet Syrym, arrived early at the tavern and addressed the party. He said that a wizard by the name of Mambet Mambet, lives just out of town and is known to frequent this very tavern. Adylet Syrym expressed his concern and that the wizard had not been in town for a long time; too long; and he asked the party if they would make a trip out to his cabin and check on his well-being.
Wild Wolves[edit]
The party got to the wizards cabin without incident. Raqim Anuar's scouting owl was the first to spot a problem. The hut was surrounded by a pack of wolves, one being a Winter Wolf and much larger than the rest. The party thought better of approaching the cabin and decided rather to lay an ambush in a clearing, once again sending Raqim's owl to draw in the wolves.
The first casualty was a wolf who had inadvertently stepped into Arisa Petrine's snare and found itself lifted into the air. Lirris Liadon and Ebil Yalies with Raqim Anuar stayed on the ground to fight, while the rest of the party shot at the wolves from trees. The wolves teeth were no match for the party's armor and the wolves soon fell to the onslaught of of the party's might and magic.
Home Hunters[edit]
The party investigated the cabin, noting the two outbuildings and after knocking (and no one answering) that the cabin was in fact vacant. Further, the party found evidence of a two sets of human(oid) footprints pulling a third set of prints to a location some distance from the cabin, where all the footprints seem to end abruptly without explanation.
The party investigated the door with the help of Raqim Anuar's detect magic and was found to be possessing a magical ward. Further experimentation (tossing the last living wolf through the door) revealed the ward to be a cone of cold trap. Once sprung, the party found it safe to enter the cabin.
The Inner Sanctum[edit]
Further investigation of the home seemed to paint a picture of two invited guests having entered the home and then quickly leading to a scuffle with the occupant. Nothing appeared to be taken from the home, though little of value remain save for the wizard's notes and books. The following day, further investigations revealed that the underside of the floorboards were painted with a magic circle indicated in Raqim Anuar's study of the wizard's notes.
The Notes of Mambet Mambet[edit]
The wizard Mambet Mambet had a load of loose notes in his shelves, some of which appeared to be written recently. The more recent of the notes seemed to be related to the construction of a magic circle that would harness the power of some sort of magical device. Notes on the notes made mention of incredible amounts of power well exceeding that of even the most powerful magical spells known in Otan.
Awed by the magnitude of the notes, Raqim Anuar informed the party that they were undoubted the reason for Mambet^2's apparent abduction. Raquim then stowed the wizard's notes, secured the wizard's overdue library book, An Investigation into Left-Handed Cantrip Use, and assented to let the rest of the party to scrub the floorboards clean of the already created magic circle.
Bad News Bears[edit]
The party took shelter in the crowded cabin, and slept without incident, save that by daybreak a trio of bears came to investigate. The bears seemed to be walking with purpose, Lirris Liadon noted. The bears approached the livestock to make meals of the tied up beasts and the party attacked through the window and door of the cabin. Two of the bears fell and one, first enchanted by dancing lights thought better of being killed and ran off.
Home Again, Home Again[edit]
The party returned to The Sleepy Hollow in Maral and reported their findings back to Adylet Syrym. Disoncerted by the news, but pleased that the party was unharmed he rewarded them as best as he could, and informed them that he would take this information straight to the town's reeve to discuss what to do next. The party took a well deserved rest...
Player's Notes[edit]
If you see errors or important omissions in the narrative, post it here and I'll try and add it in.
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