Nine Herbs Charm

From OtanWiki
Nine Herbs Charm Instructions

Ancient lore from the book of Lacnunga speaks of a Nine Herbs Charm. Pieces of an ancient poem somehow survived the Great Erasure. The poem has become known to the clerics of the Temple of Woden, who are embarking upon a great deal of research to discover the veracity of the poems implied claim: that the charm may be a powerful ward against creatures as mighty as a great dragon.

The poem reads:

"A worm came creeping, he tore a man in two, then Woden took nine Glory-Twigs, then struck the adder, that it flew apart into nine bits ... Woden established the nine herbs and sent them into the seven worlds, for the poor and the rich, a remedy for all, it stands against pain, it fights against poison, it avails against three and against thirty, against foe's hand and against noble scheming, against enchantment of vile creatures."

It is possible that other factions not related to the Temple of Woden may be searching for the secret of this mighty charm.

Player Notes

Panamon made a copy and is keeping the copy in a separate scroll case than the original.