
From OtanWiki
A Kizil Aydahar military Captain
in traditional dragonscale mail.
Race Aydahar
Subraces 6 Substrains
Patron Deity Wodenism (Jormungandr)
Lifespan 80-100 years
Location Aydahar Confederation
Language Otani, Adahari
Climate Various
Terrain Forests, Hills, Mountains, Cities
Height 6′2″‒6′8″ (1.9‒2 m)
Skin Color Varies with Subrace
Eye Color Various
Build Tall and muscular
Inspired by Greek Draconians

The Aydahar are a race of draconic infused humans originally of human origin, but who's ancestors and sometimes parents are of a draconic lineage. When it was learned that dragons and humans could produce offspring, the races of the Aydahar and the similarly draconic blooded Ungir soon came into being. The Aydahar eventually banished their Ungir cousins from their lands, choosing to cohabit and comingle more readily with full-blooded dragons... at least those dragons who are gregarious enough to put up with other creatures.

Aydahar Substrains

Because of the numerous varieties of dragon, there are also numerous varieties of Aydahar. At least a dozen known variants of the Aydahar race exist on Otan, most of which are identified by the nature of their draconic ancestors.

Altin Aydahar

An Altin Aydahar cleric.

The Altin Aydahar occupy and administer the Altin Aydahar Region, and capitol region of the Aydahar Confederation. The Metal Aydahar have metallic colored scales and features similar to that of their Metal Dragon relatives. They usually feature two metallic horns that are swept back from the tops of their heads.

In addition to the standard Aydahari traits, the Altin Aydahar have a close relationship with the metal, though not neccessarily gold as the name suggests (altin being the old-Otani name for gold). Altin Aydahar possess an organ enabling them to abosorb and digest metals, which they excrete to their scales as a form of protection. They do this in exactly the same way as a Metal Dragon. This unusual trait, if applied often, can make the Altin Aydahar naturally resistant to slashing weapons.

Aq Aydahar

An Aq Aydahar sorceress.

The Aq Aydahar of the white dragon or Koke Aydahar Region have a white coloring to their skin and features that match those of their draconic ancestors. In addition to two bulky swept back horns on each side of their head, they have a central ridge of horns on the top of their skulls and going all the way to the back of their heads.

Like their draconic progenitors, the Aq Aydahar love the cold and prefer to live in cold climates. Unfortunately the Aydahar Confederation is confined to a warmer climate, but it is not unusual for an adult white dragon to leave Aq Aydahar for mountains in Otan's interior.

The Aq Aydahar are so inclined toward the cold that they are able to generate an entropic anomaly that drains heat from their breaths, creating a frost breath which they can use to attack an enemy. This ability combined with the various other physical attributes of the Aq Aydahar also gives them a natural resistance to the cold.

Jasil Aydahar

A Jasil Aydahar wizard.

The Jasil Aydahar are native to the Jasil Aydahar Region of the Aydahar Confederation. They inherit their genetic makeup from green dragon ancestors or possibly even an adult (or older) green dragon parent. They can be distinguished by other Aydahar by their greenish coloring and a dorsal fin that starts from the top of their heads and proceeds down their backs.

In addition to the usual Aydahar traits, the Jasil Aydahar have a close relationship with poison. They are able to eat and metabolize foods that contain a deadly poison for most other creatures. The Jasil Aydahar are able to spit this poison in a cloud to repel their enemies. Because of their high capacity for poison use, they are also naturally resistant to poisons of any type.

Kara Aydahar

A Kara Aydahar

Native to the Kara Aydahar Region of the Aydahar Confederation, the Kara Aydahar share their genetic makeup with black dragon ancestors. A Kara Aydahar individual may actually have a draconic parent. They can be distinguished by other Aydahar by their dark coloring and white forward swept horns.

In addition to the standard Aydahar traits, the Kara Aydahar have a close relationship with acid. Their bodies contain an organ enabling them to produce and spit an acidic gel. This ability also makes the Kara Aydahar naturally resistant to acid.

Kizil Aydahar

A Kizil Aydahar

The Kizil Aydahar Region of the Aydahar Confederation is home to the hot blooded Kizil Aydahar, who share their genetic makeup with their Fire Dragon ancestors. A Kizil Aydahar individual may actually have a fire dragon parent as dragon essense is able to infect a pregnant woman.

Kizil Aydahar can be distinguished from other Aydahar by their red coloring and white-tipped backward swept horns. In addition to the standard Aydahari traits, the Kizil Aydahar have a close relationship with fire. Their bodies contain an organ enabling them to produce and spit a fiery blast, much in the same way a Fire Dragon does. If trained, this ability also makes the Kizil Aydahar naturally resistant to fire.

Koke Aydahar

A Koke Aydahar

The Koke Aydahar of the Koke Aydahar Region are most often noted for their blue coloring, which can range from light blue to a nearly black navy. The scales may appear metallic in nature, though they possess no metals. Like that of their Lightning Dragon ancestors, they can also be distinguished by a propensity for creating and/or attracting lightning. If developed, their natural ability to generate large electrical charge gives them a natural resistance to electrical shock.

Culturally, the Koke Aydahar do not just appear to be blue, but they come with a neverending love for the color blue. They will use blue in their clothing, their art and their architecture. The entire city of Koke is often referred to as "The Blue City" as it is well coated in blue pigments.


A Half-Aydahar

Half-Aydahar can be found throughout much of the Aydahar Confederation and the Free States. They can live in any country on Otan more or less safely, however they prefer to be near others who share draconic blood. Half-Aydahars will have 1/4 or less draconic blood, taking them a degree away from full Aydahar integration.

In Aydahar, the Half-Aydahar are treated fairly and they participate in government just as do any other citizens. If their bloodline is diluted enough that they appear to be regular humans, however, life in Aydahar can become difficult. For this reason many Half-Aydahar will migrate to the Free States where bloodlines are not considered to be very important by anyone.

Half-Aydahar have a very wide range of appearances. On one side, they can be indistinguishable from a full Aydahar and on the other, they can be indistinguishable from a Human. Their faces tend to look more human, but it is not unusual for them to retain the horns of their draconic ancestors. They will likely also possess the draconic sac enabling them to spit one manner of damage or another. They will also have resistance to that chose type of damage.

Aydahar Countries

Aydahar Confederation


The Aydahar Confederation is a country populated by the draconic-blooded Aydahar and every manner of dragon on Otan. The country is made up of ten regions, five of which roughly represent a chromatic dragon (red, blue, etc.) and five which represent metallic dragons (gold, silver, etc.). About 80% of the Aydahar people bear the strong features and colors of their dragon progenitors. The rest of the country is made up of mixed colors, and features of varied and interesting combinations.