The Thirsty Human

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The Thirsty Human
Type Inn and Tavern
Country Altinqor
Region Kara Aydahar Region
Location Kara
Dimensions 85 guests
Controlled by Kuan Tanatar
Racial Mix Aydahar all variants

The Thirsty Human is a drinking establishment and inn in the heart of Kara. Occupancy for the night is can run as high as 5 gold per person for a single occupancy. The concierge's attention to their guests is as good as it gets. Their staff will stop at nothing to ensure both the comfort and safety of their guests.

For travelers not familiar with the Altinqor cuisine, they might find the kitchen a bit too much on the insectoid side. Beverages and main courses are often composed of fermented, grilled, fried or baked insect juices and parts. To the connoisseur, there are few places outside of Kazinasi with better cuisine than The Thirsty Human.

Player Notes[edit]