Lands of Otan

From OtanWiki

Welcome to the Lands of Otan Wiki.

This wiki was created to manage the fantasy world of Robyn Blaber, created for his anticipated fantasy novel series. Doing double duty, the fantasy world and wiki is currently being play tested in a Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition setting, where real players are experiencing this universe first hand. While many aspects of the game will be represented on the wiki, those specific to Dungeons & Dragons will not find their way into the novels.

If your interest is piqued, then you'll want to begin by clicking:

Exploring Otan

and then you'll want to meet the player characters currently exploring the Otan fantasy universe first hand. Click the

Heroes of Otan

There is a current and unfolding Dungeons & Dragons (5e) campaign running through the ever developing world of Otan. While there is room for more than one campaign in this vast world, there currently is only one, with five brave heroes exploring:

  1. The Primordial Campaign
 # Matteo Alleman
 # Obsidian Black
 # Panamon Cree
 # Rajok
 # Greef Roake