Gulshara Rysbek

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Gulshara Rysbek
Portrait of Innkeeper Gulshara Rysbek
Titles Grand Visier of Koboldy Rock
Race Human
Nationality Ortalyk
Archetype Innkeeper
Religion Wodenism
Home Balagash, Ortalyk
Birthdate/Place 242 IM Balagash
Owner of Heiress to The Stuffed Kobold
Parents Erbol Rysbek - father
5e Equivalence Innkeeper
5e Alignment Neutral Good

Gulshara Rysbek is the heiress to and former kitchen manager of the The Stuffed Kobold. She is the eldest daughter of the proprietor,Erbol Rysbek, who has owned and operated the tavern/inn for over a decade. When the Lords of Koboldy Rock came to the decision to hire a Grand Vizier of Koboldy Rock, they chose Gulshara, who was recommended to them by her father.

Gulshara has worked diligently ever since, having remodeled the keep's basement, added a stable, pens and even hired smithies for the livestock and horses. She currently hasn't the budget to remodel the keep's main level, but has gone a long way toward cleaning up the upper level to create 5 bedrooms for the "lords" and 3 for high paying guests.

Future Ambitions

To build a dock for trading at Koboldy Rock; Koboldy Dock.

Player Notes