Jalinkoli Prefecture

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Jalinkoli Prefecture
A Map of Jalinkoli
Country Jalinjeri
Capitol Jalinkoli
Head of State Lashyn Tursynbay
Government Water Minister of Jalinkoli Prefecture
Location Jalinjeri
Land Area 20,748 sq. miles
Population 71,197
Jalinkoli Prefecture Statistics
Land mass (sq. mi.) 20,748
Rural population 67,000
Urban population 4,197
Total population 71,197

Jalinkoli Prefecture is a prefecture of 71,197 souls in the country of Jalinjeri. The prefecture was once part of the nation of Karazalik but the lands, mostly unnocupied were ceded to the newly formed nation of Jalinjeri to secure a mutual defense pact between the two nations.

Jalinkoli Prefecture is populated mostly by the Karazaliktar (human) people and is administered from the provincial capital Jalinkoli by the Water Minister of Jalinkoli Prefecture Lashyn Tursynbay.



Jalinkoli Prefecture is a prefecture of 71,197 souls in the country of Jalinjeri.


Jalinkoli has a number of goods and services. Venues include:

Local Factions and Personalities

Player Notes
