Natascha Khame

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Natascha Khame
A Portrait of Natascha Khame
Campaign The Collateral Campaign
Player Name Sophia
Race Reborn (human)
Nationality one of 'em
Class (lvl) Warlock 3 (Undead)
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Religion Wodenism (Hel)
Home Long gone. Formerly, small village in Batis
Birthdate/Place Batis 3 IM
Deathdate/Place Soltustik32 IM
Parents Unknown, Presumably Dead

Natascha Khame is a member of The Collateral Campaign.

About Natascha

Natascha is a Reborn - a being who, in one way or another, is only partially dead. If one were to examine her closely, they would find that she lacks a pulse entirely, does not bleed (though she claims to still feel pain), and find a deep scar running on the front of her neck, where it was slit many, many years ago. Even though she is, in many ways, kin to the undead, she herself does not fall under that category, being more half-alive then half-dead.


Natascha is a rather quiet person, often spending long periods of time lost in her own thoughts. However, should the option to make money come up, one might be surprised to see how quickly Natascha jumps at the chance, becoming considerably more animated and talkable.

Special Abilities

Form of Dread At 1st level, you manifest an aspect of your patron’s dreadful power. As a bonus action, you transform for 1 minute. You gain the following benefits while transformed:

You gain temporary hit points equal to 1d10 + your warlock level. Once during each of your turns, when you hit a creature with an attack, you can force it to make a Wisdom saving throw, and if the saving throw fails, the target is frightened of you until the end of your next turn. You are immune to the frightened condition. You can transform a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

The appearance of your Form of Dread reflects some aspect of your patron. For example, your form could be a shroud of shadows forming the crown and robes of your lich patron, or your face might transform into bat-like features due to your vampire patron.

Pact of the Blade As an action, you can create a pact weapon in your hand (You choose the form, you're proficient with it, and it counts as magical). You can also transform a magic weapon into your pact weapon by performing a special ritual.

Devil's Sight You can see normally in darkness, Both in nonmagical and magical, to a distance of 120ft.

Improved Pact Weapon Your Pact Weapon can be your spellcasting focus, gains a +1 bonus to its attack and damage rolls (unless it already has a magical bonus), and can be a short bow, longbow, light crossbow, or heavy crossbow.

Deathless Nature You have advantage on saving throws against disease and being poisoned, and you have resistance to poison damage.

You have advantage on Death Saving Throws.

You don't need to eat, drink, or breathe.

You don't need to sleep, and magic can't put you to sleep. You can finish a long rest in 4 hours if you spend those hours in an inactive, motionless state, in which you retain consciousness.

Knowledge from a Past Life When you make an ability check that uses a skill, you can roll a d6 immediately after seeing the number on the d20 and add the number on the d6 to the check. You can use this feature 2 times, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Future Aspirations

Natascha, more than anything else, wants to figure out what the hell she saw when she died.


Born to a fairly simple family of farmers, Natascha Khame always desired more. Born with something of a silver tongue, and a shoddy at best moral compass, perhaps its not a surprise that, at the age of fourteen, Natascha became involved with a small crime family, and often sold the wares they gave her, most of which were snake oil, or fake products. It was all going fairly smoothly until she got addicted to gambling, which would prove to be her fatal mistake. She made hundreds of coins, and thought she was unstoppable, all up until another gambler noticed her loaded dice and slit her throat then and there. Her crimson blood splashed onto the table, and she died, choking to death on her own blood, and gasping for air through a throat that no longer connected to her lungs.

In any other story, that'd be the end. But Natascha was lucky - or unlucky, depending on how you see it - when she died, she saw a light....In fact, many of them. She awoke on an immensely comfortable bed, odd, beautiful humans surrounding her, speaking to one another, one securing her to the bed so she couldn't stand up. She heard "Shit, get her back in NOW!", and then, once again, she blacked out.

When she woke up again, she wasn't in that odd place she had previously been in. No, in her current state, the best she could describe it would be as mind-splittingly confusing. She could feel, on an instinctive level, that she was in Helheim, but at the same time she could sense her body locked away in a casket, six feet underground in a paupers grave. It felt like her very brain was being constantly pulled between her two existences, of life and death, for long enough that she forgot what time even was, her past, her family, everything was a blur except for the mental barrage and horrible, horrible pain that surged up from her neck and into her head....and then she met Her.

With her existence, not quite dead, but by no means alive, it was inevitable that eventually, the lady of Helheim would take notice of her one day, and so Hel did. Intrigued by the existence of one like Natascha, she gave her mercy - and let her choose which world to be put in. The living, as a dead woman? Or the dead, as a living woman?

She chose the realm of the living, and Hel sent her back to the surface, but that wasn't all. If she had just let Natascha focus on one body, it would've been enough. If she had let her come back, it would've been enough. But Hel, perhaps out of curiosity, did one better. She infused the now Reborn Natascha with her power, and a promise to let her investigate that odd vision she had upon her death....

Then again, Perhaps Hel also just wanted someone to talk to.

Who knows, really.