Gulaisha Abzal

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Gulaisha Abzal
Portrait of Gulaisha Abzal
Race Garis (Akimsilik)
Nationality Garis Triumvirate
Archetype Spellcaster
Religion Wodenism (Fenris)
Home Trappist, Akimsilik Region, Garis Triumvirate
Birthdate/Place 22nd of Jeltoskan, 228 IM, Trappist
Other Homes Ice Palace, Jel Shire, Soltustik
Factions Garis Triumvirate (Acting Triumvir)
5e Equivalence Wizard
5e Alignment Lawful Good

Gulaisha Abzal (🔊 goo-LIE-sha ab-ZHAL) is an accomplished spellcaster who has worked her way up through the political ranks of the Akimsilik Region government. She is currently the Acting Triumvir of the region and one-third of the head of the [{Garis Triumvirate]] pending the discovery of the whereabouts of the current Triumvir, Aizat Kamalbek. The latter, a victim of the recent Sewoch invasion.



Gulaisha Abzal has been one of the Garis foremost researchers of the Memes of Aspan, having discovered that they have incredible power when combined with the spell power of spellcasters. She has successfully tapped this power to create massive energy stores and is rumoured to have created a deadly beam weapon, more powerful than any magic known to Otan.

Future Aspirations

  • Her most recent and unexpected goal is to recover the missing Triumvirs, presumably taken captive by the Sewochi.
  • She is further tasked with the need to negotiate peace with Jalinjeri and its allies.

Player Notes