Thirty-second Session

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Thirty-second Session
The Dirti Nelli sets sail for adventure!
Campaign The Primordial Campaign
Game Date September 28th, 2021
Start Date Morning, Tamiz 18th, 261 IM
Start Location Off the coast of the League of Dweorgen Miners
Ending Date Evening, Tamiz 20th, 261 IM
Ending Location Diamond City, League of Dweorgen Miners
Absentees Joseph, Panamon Cree
Next Session Thirty-third Session

The Thirty-second Session started off the coast of the League of Dweorgen Miners. The party managed to navigate up-river to Diamond City after being confronted by two Dweorgen warships. Everyone presumed this was routine and the Dweorgen customs officers did not give the party an grief, the negotiations largely handled by Captain Bubbles Littlefoot.

Landing Preparations

Athin Alionel had managed to sort out the notion of a propeller at the stern of the ship and some buttons to engage the clockworks that might turn this propeller, however he was not able to make the craft move on its own power. The Garis corvette had to be towed. Eventually, the captured vessel was ditched and camouflaged on an island just outside of Garnet City.

Mira Nephilim was able to contact her air builder or Qurilissi brother, but instead got in contact with her earth builder brother. The brother, who goes by the name of Spire, explained that he was working with some stone giants, building, to help in the war effort against the Garis.

Littlefoot Revelations

Captain Bubbles Littlefoot revealed that she was in possession of a family heirloom that might greatly increase the ship's speed. She said that she was saving the heirloom for her own ship. The party agreed that if Bubbles Littlefoot were to attach this magical device to the Dirti Nelli, that she would become the heir to every other party member's share of the vessel, should they die, leave the party, or otherwise go missing for some time longer than a calendar month without notice.

Diamond City

Diamond City was the busiest city in all of Otan. Ships were lining up to be both loaded and unloaded. The port was a hubub of activity. The party was able to discharge its goods and get paid for its trouble; a cool 15,000 pieces of gold.

Panamon Cree continued to babble to himself about what he wanted... as though trying to convince himself of what he wanted. It was clear he hadn't slept for days.

The passenger, the 14th Rose of Aspan grew increasingly restless as she wished to get to Anar as quickly as possible to help defend the capitol, and the most powerful of the Memes of Aspan.

Player Notes

You know, in case I missed anything.