Twenty-ninth Session

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Twenty-ninth Session
The 14th Rose of Aspan and Spiritual leader of the city of Karakat.
Campaign The Primordial Campaign
Start Date Morning, Tamiz 8th, 261 IM
Start Location The Commodore, Jagalik, Araldar
Ending Date Evening, Tamiz 11th, 261 IM
Ending Location At sea of the coast of Yernar, Araldar
Absentees Sophie (Sarani Devalinth)
Next Session Thirtieth Session

The Twenty-ninth Session started with a gift to Mira Nephilim received from a friendly dolphin. The dolphin's mission was to retrieve the head of an important looking human from the coast of Ontustik, however all that the creature was able to retrieve was a skull. Mira presented the found part to the party and it was Athin Alionel who recalled a druid staying at The Commodore who might be able to assist with a reincarnation.

The Reincarnation

The druid, Zhanara Dilnaz, a female Araldiktar answered Athin Alionel's request and agreed to try to perform the reincarnation. To evade the prying eyes of the occupying Ælfgarade navy the party went far out of town to perform the ritual. Once completed, the former captain Taimas Suleimen came back to life from the shard of his skull. He was different somehow, now in the form of a Dunælf (dark Ælf), when up to his death he was also and Araldiktar.

The party filled in Taimas Suleimen on the days he had missed and on the occupation of Jagalik by the Ælfgarade navy. Taimas explained that if he was alive, that he should head to the nearest functioning Admiralty Office and report for duty, regardless of his newfound condition. The party agreed that they could attempt to drop him at a nearby port, and the druid, Zhanara Dilnaz said that she would wish to go along for the ride.

A Visit to Galym

On visiting Galym the party approached cautiously to find that the port was still flying Araldar flags. The party sailed into port and headed straight the the Galym Admiralty Office. They were met by the duty officer there, Tolegen Arystan to whom they presented the freshly Dunælfed Taimas Suleimen. The latter reported for duty and was quickly whisked off to meet the local Commodore.

The party asked if there were any commissions that it might entertain and looked at the board. A gang of pirates led by Bolbatek Yeldos was paying 15,000 pieces of gold for the return of his body, dead or alive. His gang, was known as the Whale Riders. The party accepted a letter of marque for his capture and headed back out to sea.

Orcas! Orcas! Orcas!

After barely a day at sea, the party had few encounters. A distant passing Ælfen warship was the only highlight. Before getting past the tiny port of Yernar, however they were confronted by a man on the back of a literal whale, an orca to be exact. The man demanded that they dump their passenger overboard and they would be free to pass.

Unsurprisingly, the party did not toss their very high paying passenger overboard, but rather approached the rider until he was within mangonel range and loosed their weapons. Despite a compliment of 10 whales armed with twin harpoons, the pirates fount that they were no match for the Dirti Nelli. The well trained crew proved deadly with their mangonels and ballistas, while the pirate harpoons bounced harmlessly off the Dirti Nelli's hull.

Mira Nephilim dove overboard mid-battle to subdue the nefarious Bolbatek Yeldos, who was swimming away after orca was incapacitated. The battle between Bolbatek and Mira was fierce, but Mira proved too powerful a fighter for the hapless pirate and fell to her in battle. Mira returned to the ship, with Bolbetek's body under one arm.


Speaking with the dead corpse, Panamon Cree posed a few questions with prompting from the party.
Panamon: Why did you want the girl?
Bolbetek: We didn't really want the girl, we wanted the box she is carrying.
Obsidian: Raises both eyebrows.

Panamon: How did you know she would be on our ship?
Bolbetek: We were watching her in Jagalik. We knew someone would eventually try to take her back home.

Panamon: Where is your base? How large is your organization?
Bolbetek: It's inland, on the Isle of Tolagany. This was it, our whole operation.

Panamon: Who were you working for? What were you going to do with the box? Were you working for Hedgewind?
Bolbetek: We don't work for anyone. We were going to sell the box. They fetch quite a price. Maybe Hedgewind could afford it. Yeah, that's it. He's a friend of mine. You'd better watch out now!

Player Comments

As always, despite my eidetic memory, I sometimes miss a thing, usually due to laziness. Mention it down here if you think it important.