Twenty-sixth Session

From OtanWiki
Twenty-sixth Session
Bubbles Littlefoot joins the party
Campaign The Primordial Campaign
Game Date Tuesday, July 27th, 2021
Start Date Morning, Mawsim 24th, 261 IM
Start Location At sea off the coast of Araldar south of Jagalik
Ending Date Morning,
Ending Location The port of Jagalik, Araldar
Absentees Benevolent one (Bubbles) and Sophie (Sarani)
Next Session Twenty-seventh Session

Investigation at the Docks

The party deciding to investigate took luxury cabins aboard the schooner Baalasi, helmed by Cpt. Raushan Ayzara on a one way voyage from Jagalik to the port of Nurlybek.

An Assassination Attempt

A Meeting with Hedgewind

Player Notes

The party had split up, Mira and Bubbles went to admiralty office

  - They noticed a garis sloop tied up at the docks

Panamon met his buddies and talked to their "lady"

  - Didn't get dead but didn't share his insights

Obsidian, Athin, and Sarani went to the hotel

  - Got jumped in the alley by a garis hit squad
  - One got away

Hedgewind made an appearance

  - Traded a fair amount of coin for the "On Being Grendel" meme of aspan