Almaz Zhibek

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Almaz Zhibek
Portrait of Lord Commander Almaz Zhibek
Titles Lord Commander of Jalinjeri, formerly Boyar of Kiwar Territory
Race Human
Nationality Ortalyk
Archetype Warrior
Religion Wodenism
Home Jalinbeti, Jalinbeti Prefecture, Jalinjeri
Birthdate/Place 226 IM Kala Astanals
Factions Temple of Woden
5e Equivalence Paladin (15)
5e Alignment Neutral Good

Lord Commander Almaz Zhibek, formerly the Boyar of Kiywar Territory and clerical member of the Temple of Woden, is now the Lord Commander of Jalinjeri. As a Boyar of Ortalyk he maintained close ties to the Zhurek Dynasty. His former duties, kept him far from the capitol, however, and the people of the Kiywar Territory grew restless with the lack of attention paid to their area by the Tsar.

Having made the region his home, he was reluctant to put down the rebellion, popularized by Hedgewind Jalinbeti, agreeing with the people that it was time to secede. He now commands the Jalinbeti military, many of which include his former division. Those ranks being fortified daily by people emigrating from western Otani countries threatened by war.

Future Ambitions

Protect Jalinjeri from all invaders to enable Hedgewind Jalinbeti to save Otan.

Player Notes