Sapar Doszhan

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Sapar Doszhan
A Portrait of Sapar Doszhan
Race Blue Aydahaar
Nationality Jalinjeri
Archetype Fighter
Religion Wodenism (Jormungandr)
Home Jalinbeti, Jalinbeti Prefecture, Jalinjeri
Birthdate/Place 7th of Silde, 202 IM Koke, Koke Aydahar Region, Aydahar Confederation
5e Equivalence Fighter (5)
5e Alignment Neutral Good

Sapar Doszhan is a master armorer and craftsman. He has worked with both Obsidian dragon scale and Sewochi exo-armor. He was lured to Jalinbeti by Togzhan Kuat.



To save the world from the Garis threat.

Player Notes