
From OtanWiki
A Garis Administrati
Type Humanoid
Subtype Garis
Vision Darkvision
Diet Omnivorous
Lifespan 72‒120 years
Language Otani Language, Garis
Terrain Any
Height 5′5″‒6′11″ (170‒210 cm)
Weight 124‒280 lb (56.2‒130 kg)[
Skin Color Any
Hair Color Any
Eye Color Variable
Distinctions Canine features often with a tail

There are three distinct variant races of Garis which is most readily noted by the shape of their muzzles. The peace loving Beybitsilik variants have the shortest snouts of the race with a pronounced lower jaw resembling that of a hyena. The war mongering Ustemdik have more lupine features with a shorter snout and a menacing visage. The orderly Akimsilik have more vulpine features, with a medium sized snout and less pronounced jaw.

Garis Variants

There are many Garis who are a full mixture of all three variants and have a non-descript and generally canine appearance, however, large swaths of the population keep their socializing, and in particular, their mating habits within their racial variant.


The Akimsilik currently live in the Akimsilik Region of the Garis Triumvirate. The most powerful among them tend toward spellcaster professions, or those without the knack for magic might try bookkeeping or other administrative professions. The Akimsilik have an instinctive form of OCD and it makes them uneasy when things are out of place or unaccounted for.



Garis Controlled Countries


The Garis Triumvirate is the only country under Garis control and exclusively governed by the Garis. They possess one of the most unusual governmental systems in all of Otan. Their tribal nation, naturally divided them into three factions, features one seeking external conquest, one seeking internal and external peace, while the last seeks only to administer, regardless of which of the other two factions has the most sway. This latter faction, sometimes referred to as the Garis Administrati are made up nearly entirely of Akimsilik.

To the rest of Otan, the Garis Triumvirate is one of the more remote countries on the continent with few Garis interested in relations or trade with the rest of Otan. It is certainly rare for them to bother with learning the common Otani language and Garis trade is mostly limited in exchanges for metal with the League of Dweorgen Miners.

5e Equivalence

When translating the Garis to be played in Dungeons & Dragons, playable Gith races and variants were the original inspiration for the Garis. Recreating the Garis in this Wiki with Gith can be done by following the official D&D Guide: Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes.

Player Notes

Garis... what's up with those guys.