Gulnur Olim

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Togzhan Gulnur
Portrait of Artificer Togzhan Gulnur
Titles Eldest Disciple of the Kara Chantry of Jormungandr
Race Aydahar
Nationality Aydahar Confederation
Archetype Mage
Religion Wodenism (Jormungandr)
Home Kara, Kara Aydahar Region, Aydahar Confederation
Birthdate/Place 23 Akpan,218 IM Balagash - Asik Sur, Kumis Aydahar Region
Factions Chantry of Jormungandr
5e Equivalence Artificer (12)
5e Alignment Neutral

Togzhan Gulnur is a rare individual, not just as an Aydahar, but as a member of the Chantry of Jormungandr. He has exchanged much of his freedom for a commission to work for the Chantry to discover the secrets of ancient artifacts and their application to Aydahari life.

Future Ambitions

Player Notes