Nine Herbs Charm

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Nine Herbs Charm Instructions

Ancient lore speaks of a Nine Herbs Charm. Pieces of an ancient poem somehow survived the Great Erasure. The poem has become known to the clerics of the Temple of Woden, who are embarking upon a great deal of research to discover the veracity of the poems implied claim: that the charm may be a powerful ward against creatures as mighty as a great dragon.

The poem reads:

"A worm came creeping, he tore a man in two, then Woden took nine Glory-Twigs, then struck the adder, that it flew apart into nine bits ... Woden established the nine herbs and sent them into the seven worlds, for the poor and the rich, a remedy for all, it stands against pain, it fights against poison, it avails against three and against thirty, against foe's hand and against noble scheming, against enchantment of vile creatures."