
From OtanWiki
Capitol Bealu, Bealu Shire
Head of State Not sure
Government Feudal Monarchy
Location Northwestern Otan
Land Area 121,944 sq. miles
Population 3.4 million
Racial Mix  
Founded 1 IM
Flag of Aelfgarad

Aelfgarad is a country in the the northwestern corner of continental Otan. It is predominantly populated by the Friggaelf substrain of Aelfs. It is governed by a royal council, the Head Council of which also bears the title of King. Aelfgarad is also home to the slightly more mysterious Dunaelfs and their coastal areas are often demarked in the fashion of land territory as they are inhabited by the aquatic Brimaelfs


Aelfgarad's 3.8 million inhabitants live mostly in the forest, despite the relatively huge size of its captital of Bealu. The inherent dangers of the deep forest are mitigated by the forest dwellers through their ability to camouflage themselves and their homes, making them difficult prey for wandering creatures, even while sleeping.


While over three million of Aelfgarad's citizens are of the Friggaelf substrain, the capital of Bealu is comparatively cosmopolitan with a large number of Dunaelfs and even the very rare Wyrmaelf and Brimaelf substrains represented. The latter are able to adapt themselves for life above the waves. Even the occasional Wodeaelf can be found in Bealu as the two primary Aelfen cultures keep regular tabs upon one another.


The Aelfen language is the predominant language spoken in Aelfgarad. Unlike the dialect spoken in Aelfwode, however, the Aelfgaradian dialect is extended with a formal version of the language which is used to address strangers or people of rank. Words like 'you' and 'yours' become 'thee' and 'thine' when addressing a stranger or dignitary.

This formal dialect might fall into disuse in common haunts such as taverns, even common craftsmen such as fletchers and bowyers will address their clientele with formal pronouns and other formal manners of speech.


Aelfs are almost exclusively Wodenists. While it is undisputed by any follower of the faith that it was Woden, the All-Father who created all Aelfs, the Friggaelfs have chosen Frigg as the primary object of their worship. The Friggaelfs hold that while their creation was a magnificent act, it was superseded by the creation of love. Frigg's love, they believe, is central force that enables the continuation of the species and the formation of a viable society.

A temple of the Diocese of Frigg can be found in one form or another in every major settlement in Aelfgarad and certainly a shrine to the goddess can be found in any of Aelfgarad's smaller villages. The larger the settlement, the more likely an 'official' member of Frigg's clergy will be present to preside over her proper worship. They will organize sacrifice and other tributes to the goddess as part of their daily duties to the Diocese.


The Aelfs of Aelfgarad celebrate many festivals, but none so completely as that of Holy Week, the last week of the Otan calendar. Holy week begins on the evening of the 30th of Jeltoskan known to Wodenists the world over as the Night of the Wild Hunt. It is said that this night, the gods collect a harvest of the beasts of the wild in anticipation of the feast.

In practice, the hunt will have been concluded during the day of the 30th and the feast begins when the Eye of Woden reaches its zenith. Commencing that evening, and for the following six days of Holy Week, the Aelfs of Aelfgarad will feast, primarily on wild game. The feast will be accompanied by sporting games, with archery being predominant among the challenges.

During Holy Week, Aelfgaradians will also hold artistic competitions where competitors will vie for prizes and fame by presenting new works of art, poetry, or music. It is common during this time for couples to announce courtships and commence plans for spring nuptials. Love, and in particular Frigg's love is central to the celebration. Mistletoe is by far the most ubiquitous décor.


Aelfgarad is a hereditary monarchy.

National Government

Regional Governments

Civic Governments

Rural Administration






Trade Guilds






Northern, cold, mountains, ice, lakes.

The Shires of Aelfgarad

Bealu Shire

Bealu Shire Statistics
Land mass (sq. mi.) 28,608
Rural population 666,746
Urban population 93,656
Total population 760,402

The Bealu Shire is the country's capitol region. It is also the richest region. There are three settlements including the capital:

  • Bealu (pop 78,434) - national and provincial capital
  • Gleo (pop 13,440)
  • Gehiwian (pop 1,782)

Dreame Shire

Dreame Shire Statistics
Land mass (sq. mi.) 28,124
Rural population 364,909
Urban population 979
Total population 365,888

Dreame Shire a single settlement, Dreame which is also the capital:

  • Dreame (pop 979) - Shire capital

Flitcri Shire

Flitcri Shire Statistics
Land mass (sq. mi.) 3,684
Rural population 198,109
Urban population 35,294
Total population 233,403

The Flitcri Shire has three settlements, Flitcri being the capitol:

Gealdor Shire

Gealdor Shire Statistics
Land mass (sq. mi.) 13,436
Rural population 654,260
Urban population 37,345
Total population 691,605

The Gealdor Shire has five settlements, Gealdor being the capital:

Gerim Shire

Gerim Shire Statistics
Land mass (sq. mi.) 10,692
Rural population 547,413
Urban population 26,947
Total population 574,360

Gerim Shire has three settlements, Gerim being the capital:

Leoth Shire

Leoth Shire Statistics
Land mass (sq. mi.) 37,400
Rural population 787,534
Urban population 13,760
Total population 801,294

The Boran Island has two settlements, Boran being the capitol:

Aelfgarad Landmarks

Flora and Fauna

Beneficial Wildlife



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Sports & Games

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