Eye of Woden
From OtanWiki

Eye of Woden
The Eye of Woden is an artefact in the Otani night sky. To the non-believer, it is one of three slow moving objects that orbit Otan every four to 5 days. The other two artefacts are said to be Huginn and Muninn, Woden's raven companions.
Religious Signficance[edit]
To those who observe Wodenism the Eye of Woden is of tremendous importance, its adherents believing that the object is the actual eye of the god Woden. Wodenist legend explains that Woden plucked his eye from his head to seek wisdom from the world. Their strong belief stems from countless anecdotes of forms of divine intercession which seem to take place during and only during the time when the Eye of Woden is overhead.
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