First Nightshade of Aspan

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First Nightshade of Aspan
A portrait of the First Nightshade of Aspan
Race Human (Ontustikter)
Nationality Ontustik
Archetype Healer
Religion Aspanism (Tun)
Home Ontustik
Birthdate/Place 10th of Karasa, 261 IM, Jalinbeti, Jalinjeri
Factions Flowers of Aspan
Parents Obsidian Black, Rose of Karakat
5e Equivalence Cleric (20+)
5e Alignment Neutral

The First Nightshade of Aspan was borne from pure terror. With the assistance of Obsidian Black, the Ninth Lotus of Aspan directed the creation of a spell circle they had researched using information from the memes. This set of spell circles, was made of four in total, joined at the center by a smaller circle containing a large diamond.

Once set up, the circles were activated, attended by the Fourteenth Rose of Karakat and nineteen other various Flowers of Aspan. The Flowers were drawn toward the central diamond, first gently, their robes and skirts being drawn inward. Eventually, the drawing strength grew more forceful. Clothes were torn from the women who dropped to the ground to prevent being sucked toward the diamond.

As the clothing of the women flew toward and disappeared into the diamond, the very flesh of the hapless women was torn from their bodies and joined the maelstrom of clothing, flesh, and blood which all swirled into the diamond. The skeletons of the women, the last of themselves eventually broke apart and were also drawn inexorably into the gleaming stone.

The diamond, once gorged with the flesh of the twenty women began to pulse. The pulsations grew in magnitude, creating an ear-splitting noise, much like a heartbeat. The final beat rendered like an explosion and the diamond burst apart revealing a fully grown woman, dressed in black with a red hijab.

This was the birth of the First Nightshade of Aspan.



Future Aspirations

To destroy the enemies of the people of Ontustik, especially if those enemies are Garis.

Player Notes