Kairat Kulyash

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Kairat Kulyash
A Portrait of Kairat Kulyash
Titles Minister of Sigis Turgindar Affairs
Race Human (Sigis Turgindar)
Nationality Jalinjeri
Archetype Fighter
Religion Cult of Personality (Æski)
Home Halperion, Halperion Prefecture, Jalinjeri
Birthdate/Place 1st of Mawsim, 239 IM
Factions Halperion Prefecture cabinet
5e Equivalence Fighter (20)
5e Alignment Lawful Good

Kairat Kulyash serves as Rayjok's Minister of Sigis Turgindar Affairs in the Halperion Prefecture cabinet.



To manage all that is Sigis Turgindar in Halperion Prefecture. He is very eager to re-establish communications with his Sigis homeland and determine the fate of his people and of course his former Emperor. Undoubtedly, he wishes to see the Garis invaders repelled.

Player Notes