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A Portrait of Asil
Titles Aide de Camp, Eldest of Aydahar
Race Aydahar
Nationality Aydahar Confederation
Languages Aydahar language, Otani language, others?
Archetype Sorcerer
Religion Wodenism (Jormungandr)
Home Kazinasi
Birthdate/Place unknown
Deathdate/Place unknown
5e Equivalence Sorcerer
5e Alignment Good

Asil is the trusted cohort and Aide-de-Camp of the Eldest of Aydahar, Kurban Aldijan. She is famed throughout the golden city of Kazinasi for her profound wisdom and impossible beauty. She carries a perfection of human form unseen anywhere in any human land. Despite her human perfection, her veins flow with draconic blood, indicating that she must be at least partially of Aydahar or draconic descent.

She has yet to display any of her suspected magical powers outside of her private circles. She has been, to great astonishment, witnessed facing down a greater demon without the slightest hint of fear. She also bears the ability to confer significant power to anyone whose veins flow with draconic blood. A simple touch from Asil will grant them power beyond their mightiest. This remarkable ability has yet to be explored to its fullest.




Asil's principal aspiration is to serve her master, the Eldest of Aydahar to the best of her ability. In recent adventures, her principal goals involved the acquisition of the Memes of Aspan which related to the transport of the soul.

Player Notes