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==Player Notes==
==Player Notes==
I am certain I've forgotten things.  Rather than edit yourselves, put a note or 3 down here and I'll fill this in.
I am certain I've forgotten things.  Rather than edit yourselves, put a note or 3 down here and I'll fill this in.
There were some details missing from Obidian's encounter with the mysterious fighter clad in unusual black armour at the inn.
* during the conversation (fighting undead, our party being in Kara) he came to realize we were "Jalinbeti's Heros"
* when specifically asked about his armour he declined to answer (Player to GM: There seemed to be confusion at the end of the session when you suggested we should have asked about the armour and we said we did. Maybe it was a discord hickup and the question was missed. In any event, feel free to add information about the armour in the writeup as appropriate).
The dream Obsidian had that night about a big black obsidian dragon is missing. There might just be a connection between the dream and the unusual armour but I just can't seem to see it at the moment :-)
* It was Panamon, Sarani, and Barron who snuck in, not just Sarani and Barron
*We came across the weird chanting and the summoning of the Dragon first, then during the same visit commited arson and stole from the Vestry

Revision as of 17:35, 1 June 2021

Sixteenth Session
Turar Sarsen Gives His Sermon
Campaign The Primordial Campaign
Game Date Tuesday, March 11th, 2021
Start Date Noon, Mawsim 12th, 261 IM
Start Location The Grand Kizil Hotel, Kizil, Aydahar Confederation
Ending Date Morning, Mawsim 14th, 261 IM
Ending Location The Grand Kizil Hotel, Kizil, Aydahar Confederation
Next Session Eighteenth Session

The session began at lunchtime with the party discussing what they would get themselves up to. Barron Jetesiz and Sarani Devalinth offered to head to the Kizil Chantry of Jormungandr to see what they could learn there. Meanwhile the rest of the party decided to check out the local inns and taverns to discover what they could learn.

Chanting at the Chantry

Barron and Sarani arrived at the Chantry of Jormungandr on Senbi afternoon. Many parishioners were entering and leaving the building and there were acolytes at the door greeting the penitent as they entered and left. The pair arrived while a sermon was in session. After the sermon, the Eldest Disciple, Turar Sarsen, his interest in the worship of Loki piqued, invited the pair into his vestry to chat about all things religious.

The conversation quickly turned to the recent advent of the rising dead and the possible (probable) cause of the rise: the Memes of Aspan. Once mentioned, Turar Sarsen's demeanor changed visibly, casting distrust upon the pair. He began to openly lie about his knowledge of the Memes and Moved to bring the visit to a hasty conclusion.

Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!

The rest of the party hit the taverns for a bit of old fashioned working-of-the-crowd. Starting at the White Flame Bar a popular tavern with all the latest in free-range-chitin-based drinks, and then moving on to the Royal Bones Inn where they came across Saduakas Yermek, one of the three persons-of-interest in Panamon Cree's geas.

Saduakas Yermek basically had one thing to say; "We don't have a big enough group." Apparently experienced in matters of this type, explained that tracking down and securing one of the Memes of Aspan would take more bodies than what the party currently had. He explained that he was aware of the presence of Erbol Aidos in Kizil... at least in the last couple of days.

The party closed up their search at the Dragon's Crown where they came across an Aydahari military general wearing some unusual armor. While it looked like dragonscale (very common in the military), it had a black glass appearance. This stood out, especially to Obsidian Black who was keenly aware that there are no records anywhere of an obsidian dragon. The general once learning that Obsidian Black was one of the Heroes of Jalinbeti, which prompted reverence and a toast from all for their efforts in saving Kara from the scourge of the undead.

Give Us the Source

"Give us the source!" An order for a lead lined box was handed to the The Grand Kizil Hotel's concierge. The sight of the obsidian scale armor caused Obsidian Black to dream of an ancient obsidian dragon. The lines between dream and reality in this case were very blurred, but the obsidian scales were familiar.

The Nature of Free Will

Mama Tess interrupted a discussion between Oreskel and Akimak, the party's battle lizards. They were discussing the absurdity of free will, but posited that the ascent to godhood, might grant true will. Akimak was skeptical. Oreskel alerted Mama Tess to some sort of presence following them, which was dead, but not dead.

The Gang's All Here

Erbol and Saduakas Meet the Party

The party and the two cultists eventually joined up at the The Grand Kizil Hotel where they discussed strategy. The newly found Erbol Aidos agreed with Saduakas that their party was too small to storm the Chantry of Jormungandr or any other venture of like peril. The cultists decided to get to recruiting.

Chanting at the Chantry

Having seen the proof of Meme involvement, the party decided the evening to go together in various levels of disguise to visit the Chantry once again. The party found an empty chantry and went trough to the back to the cloistered area where all the monks were (of all things) chanting in a very large circle. The chanting was accompanies by a gargantuan flapping noise, which soon manifested as a large red dragon, which descended from the sky and into the circle.

The Eldest Disciple, Turar Sarsen walked up to the dragon and exchanged some hushed words. Turar then handed the dragon a sack, which it clutched in one of its talons. The dragon ascended straight up and was quickly out of view. Panamon Cree bid his imp familiar, Tryx, to follow the dragon at a safe distance to discover the whereabouts of its lair. Several hours later Tryx returned with the information...

Violating the Vestry

Before the night was through, the Panamon and the Hellspawn (not the band) of the party decided to up their ecumenical skills for one more caper... to attempt to breach the vestry of the Kizil Chantry of Jormungandr. They had already entered the Chantry without having raised suspicion.

A few magical shenanigans later, there was a fire. Acolytes and the Eldest Disciple alike all gathered to quell the flames. Meanwhile the two Hellspawn violated the vestry and secured a document detailing information about one of the Memes of Aspan.

Player Notes

I am certain I've forgotten things. Rather than edit yourselves, put a note or 3 down here and I'll fill this in.