Seventh Tertiary Session
Campaign | The Tertiary Campaign |
Game Date | Friday, June 30th, 2021 |
Start Date | Afternoon, Mawsim 27th, 261 IM |
Start Location | In the lower level of an ice castle, Soltustik |
Ending Date | Morning, Mawsim 28th, 261 IM |
Ending Location | In the highest level of an ice castle, Soltustik |
Prev Session | Sixth Tertiary Session |
Next Session | Eighth Tertiary Session |
The party had freshly lured two Garis wizards into the stairwell room when the session began. The two wizards did not make much of a fight, facing the party's new tactic of holding them to the ground and casting silence spells. This one-two punch made them ineffectual and the party was soon securing the room that they had been guarding.
People (and Giants) in Stasis[edit]
The room, among other things, had many side rooms and closets, some full of foodstuffs and one full of clothes, wizard robes to be precise. The hallway to the rear of the chamber had 6 coffin-like enclosures with what appeared to be submerged wizards inside. The party decided not to disturb these apparently sleeping? frozen? wizards until later.
In the next room, however, two giants, presumably ice giants were in gargantuan coffins of the same description. The two giants appeared to be perfectly preserved and possibly sleeping.
Mambet Mambet is Found[edit]
A few rooms later and Dastanbek Nariman was found, a high level wizard and friend of Mambet Mambet, who was immediately discovered in the next room. Like the others, both were found in a magic circle and collared. They immediately left their holding areas and made for the way out, saying that they would research a way to remove the collars. An impatient Raqim Anuar could not wait for this, however, and attempted to cast a detect....
This action detonated the two collars which exploded for enough damage to vaporize poor Raqim. Fortunately, he was protected with magic resistance to fire and survived the twin blasts, which came very close to destroying the rescued wizards as well. Raquim's owl did not survive. Ebil Yalies healed up the casualties and the party was soon back into shape.
They pulled out the compass box and summoned Hedgewind Jalinbeti.
Hedgewind is Summoned[edit]
Upon being summoned, Hedgewind Jalinbeti appeared in an adjoining room alongside the ranger Rayjok Halperion and a mysterious cloaked wizard. Hedgewind immediately tended to the two giants in the coffins, waving his hands over the various lights. This action seemed to drain the coffins of whatever liquid was inside them and brought the inhabitants back to life.
Hedgewind spoke with the two revived frost giants in fluent Giant language. He assured the two giants (named Akzhurek and Ulukbek) that they were now among friends and that they would do everyone a great service to find their way out of the fortress below and take as many wizards as they find with them. The wary giants thanked Hedgewind with an oath and went on their way... presumably to knock around a few air elementals.
That excitement over, Hedgewind bade that the party move upstairs to confront the sorceress, Gulaisha Abzal.
The Next Level[edit]
The next floor did not contain the sorceress however, but rather a large collection of transparent pillars apparently filled with magical energy. As the party surveyed the scene, they came across a magic circle glowing with light. In the center of the circle, some sort of glowing box. The party surmised that this was one of the legendary Memes of Aspan.
Meanwhile, the party made the acquaintance of two even more powerful wizards, Ospan Akhmet and Toktar Amangul who were in the largest circles so far. They were directed to head below and follow the trail of two ice giants that would lead them to safety. As Rayjok and Hedgewind motioned to take the next set of stairs, Ebil Yalies opened the double doors to the west.
All Hell Breaks Loose[edit]
The opened doors set off a chain reaction drawing all the energy from the building and focusing it into a beam that projected forward drilling a whole through the solid rock of the mountain for what seemed miles. As this went on, Rayjock Halperion slipped away to secure the Meme of Aspan as the power drained from the circle. Meanwhile, the building shook until the beam was finally dissipated, leaving a perfectly carved tunnel extending much farther than the eye can see.
The Final Battle[edit]
The party, Hedgewind and company proceeded up to the top level where they found Gulaisha Abzal and her retinue. The party was merciless and backed by Hedgewind's fire magic, made short work of the retinue. Gulaisha quickly fell to her knees in defeat and begged for mercy. They party rejoiced (and levelled up). Hedgewind checked to make sure that Rayjock had secured the box and thanked the party quite earnestly.
He gifted each of the party members a whopping sum of 5,000 pieces of gold. He then bade that Raqim Anuar do as he wish with the research left behind. He then teleported his crew and prisoner, Gulaisha Abzal back to his citadel in Jalinbeti to discuss the proper treatment of fellow wizards.

Player's Notes[edit]
If there are any errors or omissions in my telling of the story, please let me know here and I'll make the corrections.
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