Ninth Farthing Session

From OtanWiki
Ninth Farthing Session
Campaign The Farthing Campaign
Game Date Thursday, July 22nd, 2021
Start Date Tamiz 14th, 261 IM
Start Location An island off the north coast of the Free States
Ending Date Tamiz 15th, 261 IM
Ending Location An island off the north coast of the Free States
Prev Session Eighth Farthing Session
Next Session Tenth Farthing Session... on hold

The Ninth Farthing Session featured the battle between the party and the Ælfgarad warships. The party won without doing too terribly much damage to the warships. The end result was 2 captured ships, 2 captured captains, 4 captured wizards, 1 captured flight of hippogryphs and a few dozen crew.

What to do, what to do?

Party Notes[edit]

If I left anything out, and I know I have, please make a note of it here so I can add it in.