First Collateral Session

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First Collateral Session
The Undead up to No Good
Campaign The Collateral Campaign
Game Date Sunday, April 26, 2021
Start Date Mamir 27, 261 IM
Start Location Koboldy Rock, Karagay Province, Ortalyk
Ending Date Mamir 28, 261 IM
Ending Location 12 miles west of Jalinbeti, Kiywar Territory, Ortalyk
Next Session Second Collateral Session

The First Collateral Session began with our newest hero Darwin, a plucky young fighter and adventurer, breakfasting at Koboldy Rock and on his way to Jalinbeti where it is rumored that there is lots of work for almost any profession. At breakfast, Darwin chanced to meet Rayjok who was concerned about a report that a pair of giants had passed The Rock toward Jalinbeti.

Originally, Rayjok was going to send Darwin on his own to investigate, but later decided to join along. He had the Grand Vizier, Gulshara Rysbek, prepare two horses and the two were quickly off to investigate. A few hours in, they indeed discovered two giants, some 20 feet tall, pulling a cart with giant rectangular slabs of stone, about as tall as them. The party decided to pursue the giants.

Giants of Industry[edit]

The giants did not stop until they reached the town. The party following decided to stay below Hedgewind Jalinbeti's radar for the time being and follow the giants in as clandestine a way as possible. They observed the giants helping to construct a citadel for Hedgewind, carving intricate designs into the giant slabs of stone and placing them into their proper locations in the citadel walls. The carving was both literally and figuratively magical as it seemed that the stones would float in place when not being tended to.

Night of the Living Dead[edit]

As evening bore on, the party spotted some shambling humans approaching the citadel construction site. They watched patiently as the humanoid figures, which were almost certainly undead, got ever closer to the citadel. Eventually, Hedgewind flew out to greet them... with a fireball... and then there were no more undead.

The party followed up by investigating the corpses of the undead, and eventually discovering that they were recently deceased and had been buried nearby. An investigation of the burial site confirmed that assumption, with graves kicked open from the inside.

More Work for Hedgewind[edit]

The Hamlet of Farow's Cliff

That evening at the No Name Tavern the party eventually met up with Hedgewind Jalinbeti, who offered them an unspecified reward should they learn any more useful information about this apparent zombie problem. The party agreed to the bargain and headed out the next morning east, toward Ælfwode, to see what they could see along the Ælfen Way.

The Battle of Farow's Cliff[edit]

Along the way the party came upon a hamlet named Farow's Cliff not too far east of Jalinbeti. The otherwise unremarkable hamlet, did have one remarkable feature; a set of zombies shambling toward the town. While villagers scrambled for cover, Rayjok and Darwin planted themselves between the zombies and the town.

The zombies approached, shots were fired, and the zombies were sorely shot up before making it to close combat range with the party. By that time, Darwin had unleashed his greatsword and used it to great effect to slay the remaining zombies, some of whom had to be slain more than once!

Victorious, the emerging town members, cheered for the heroes and offered them food and lodging for their bravery.