Thirty-third Session

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Thirty-third Session
The Dirti Nelli sets sail for adventure!
Campaign The Primordial Campaign
Game Date October 5th, 2021
Start Date Morning, Tamiz 18th, 261 IM
Start Location Off the coast of the League of Dweorgen Miners
Ending Date Evening, Tamiz 20th, 261 IM
Ending Location Diamond City, League of Dweorgen Miners
Absentees Joseph, Panamon Cree
Next Session Thirty-third Session

The Thirty-third Session began in Diamond City, capitol of the League of Dweorgen Miners. The party had had a long voyage and checked into the The Diamond Setting hotel for the evening. Their passenger, the 14th Rose of Aspan decided to continue on to the capitol of Anar without the rest of the party, taking along the other passenger named Valor, who was eager to see the front lines. She offered the party a note redeemable for 10,000 pieces of gold at the Dweorgen Bank, or its equivalent in diamonds.

Panamon's Dream

When Panamon Cree finally succumbed to sleep, a couple of days before the Dirti Nelli was able to reach the port of Diamond City, he met with his patroness, Æski in a dream. Once again, she asked him, "What do you want?" Once again, he answered that he wanted "Power." and some other things that she rolled her eyes at. When he stopped speaking she asked, "Who stands in your way?"

Panamon Cree had a long distrust of Hedgewind Jalinbeti, but decided that it might be in his best interest to direct the lady's wrath toward a more pressing foe, that being Zhannur Timurlan, the commander-in-chief of the Ustemdik Garis and the principal reason for the war having begun. As soon as Panamon spake the words, Zhannur Timurlan, Æski faded from his dream and Panamon fell into the deepest sleep of his life.

2 days later

Settling into The Diamond Setting hotel for a little food and gossip, the party overheard the Dweorges in heavy debate as to what to do now that the tide of the war had swung. First, the learned that the Jalinjerians had crushed the offense of the Garis military so completely as to having significantly decreased that nation's population. They also heard arguments for and against continued trade with the Garis and speculation as to whether the Dweorges should consider open hostility toward them.

Meanwhile, Panamon Cree did his best to promote the good life as promised by Æski. His goal was to recruit technically minded Dweorges in the hope of finding a small contingent who might unlock the secrets of the Garis corvette. Unfortunately, he was as unconvincing as a bobcat in a bird cage. Few Dweorges would even sit through the speech. Panamon tried again in the The Ruby Rose hotel, only to meet with the same reception. He retired to The Diamond Setting and called it a night.

Almost... Panamon contacted his resistance group in Jagalik to check up on their progress. He was met with the news that the resistance was being resisted and even persecuted in the city. Panamon asked what they needed and they said "Horses!". They explained that the Ælfes could hunt them down with Hippogriff mounts and that they didn't have so much as a donkey to retreat on; as iff the island was wiped clean of horses. Panamon Cree promised to do what he could.

Breakfast at Tiffanies

The party gathered together for a traditional hotel breakfast, if not for the chairs and table being a bit on the small side. Over breakfast they schemed as they would have traditionally schemed. The breakfast had a traditional interruption, this time by Saduakas Yermek.

Saduakas greeted Panamon on the communication device and explained that on the prompting of "the lady" they take to the battlefield after the battle was over. He explained that he and Erbol Aidos discovered the nearly dead body of Zhannur Timurlan and they had transported it back to their camp. When they asked what they should do with him, Panamon instructed them to stay in Jalinbeti and that he would come to them.

Obsidian's Exact Science

Obsidian teleports party to what was once, Koboldy Rock.

Panamon figures he's still in charge.

Party learns about Balagash's fate at Erbol's new eatery.

The Road to Jalinbeti

Travels to Jalinbeti.

Walk in on suspended? HW.

Negotiates with HW for lands.

The Death Machine

HW explains his machine to Obsidian.

Speak, Timuralan Speak!

The party returns to question Timurlan.

Questions answered they swap him for an entire province.

Player Notes