Batil Zhurek

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Batil Zhurek
Tzar Batil Zhurek
Titles Tsar or Ortalyk
Race Human
Nationality Ortalyk
Archetype Warrior
Religion Wodenism
Home Zhurek Palace, Kala Astanals, Ortalyk
Birthdate/Place 211 IM, Kala Astanals, Ortalyk
Factions Zhurek Dynasty
Spouse Angelika Zhurek (wife)
Children Svetlana Zhurek (daughter), Daria Zhurek (daughter)
5e Equivalence Fighter (20)
5e Alignment Neutral good

Batil Zhurek is the reigning Tsar of Ortalyk. Batil is the son of the previous Tsar Anvar Zhurek who died during the final year of the Grendel War. Though Batil was in line for the throne behind his older brother Nikolai Zhurek, the Zhurek Dynasty family decided that Batil would make the better Tsar. This decision was likely made for two reasons, the first being Nikolai's poor health and the second that Batil Zhurek was already a celebrated war hero due to his successes in the Grendel War.

Future Aspirations[edit]

As with the rest of the Zhurek Dynasty, it seems apparent that Batil Zhurek is most focused on increasing the wealth of himself, his family and the nation of Ortalyk, in that order. A rich nation can be more easily taxed and Batil Zhurek is always keen to promote foreign trade, even with former enemies.

Player Notes[edit]