
From OtanWiki
Æski on the Prowl
Type Persona (Patron)
Religion Cult of Personality
God of The Nether World
Home Nether World

Æski is a patron to the Hellspawn people and often grants her powers to warlocks. She's particularly kind to those who are non-human, however she will not turn away any worshipper regardless of their origin.


Æski is described as a beautiful woman with dark blue (sometimes other colors) skin, bat wings affixed to her arms, prominent black horns and often a scorpion-like tail. Despite this beastly description, adherents will often describe her as the most beautiful creature they have ever seen. This is thought to be part of her charm.




Æski has been fabled to intercede in human affairs most often when Hellspawn or other non-human races are being unjustly treated. While she will very occasionally take direct vengeance against those causing the injustice, at other times she assemble groups of her followers to wage a campaign of vengeance on the unjust. These campaigns may last for years or even decades as Æski knows nothing of time.



Æski has but a single commandment: Obey!