
From OtanWiki
A typical Human
Race Human
Subraces 7 Subraces
Patron Deity Woden and various others
Diet Omnivorous
Lifespan Usually up to 75 years, max 120 years
Location Any
Language Otani
Climate Any
Terrain Any
Height 4'6" – 7'0" ( 137 – 213cm)
Weight 80–300 lb (40–150 kg)
Skin Color Variable, from White (rare) to Black (also rare)
Hair Color White, Blonde, Brown, Red, Auburn, Black and Bald
Eye Color Amber, Hazel, Blue, Green, Gray, Brown, and Red (rare)
Distinctions Gregarious, noisy.
5e Equivalence Human
5e Alignment Any

Humans are a bipedal race who like to shitpost on the Internet.

Racial Variants

There are seven cultural variants of humans. These variants are not divided by even lines and individuals may vary greatly within each group. Besides sharing a common culture and geographical base, these groups may also share common political ideologies, a religions, and in many cases physical traits.


A typical Araldiktar

These islander people hail from the island nation of Araldar on the western edge of Otan. They are often easily identified by their western dialect of the Otani, their wind-beaten bronze complexions and dark features. The Araldiktar are naturally enamored with all things maritime and in particular the fruits of the sea.

The Araldiktar are often considered to be bilingual as they can nearly universally speak the Otani language but also the Araldar pidgin, which is a hybrid mixture of the Otani, Sweardælf and Ælfish languages. Araldar pidgin is spoken almost exclusively on the smaller Araldar languages.

Mujitism is the most common religion shared by the Araldiktar people. This sea-oriented religion is comprised of legends of a nautical nature with the heroes engaging with, or even becoming sea creatures. The morals of this religion affect Araldar culture giving lessons that involve respect for the sea and the creatures within.

The sea is the central source of food for the Araldiktar and naturally the people are therefore inclined to have deep understandings of what is to be at sea. From an early age, the Araldiktar will acquire nautical skills such as fishing, sailing and swimming among others. Araldiktar trades can include farming and other more traditional inland occupations, but more than half the population live adjacent to or on the sea at any given time. The highest paying occupations will typically involve a life at sea.


A typical Batistiktar

The natives of western Otan known as the Batistiktar, mainly inhabiting the country known as the Republic of Batis. Formerly a very withdrawn people, it came to the world's attention that the Batistiktar were exceptional farmers. It is said that,

"For every handful of grain that Batistiktars sew, they yield seven more."

The Batistiktar are also very talented with animal husbandry, raising bison, and other animals with high yields of meat. While they only harvest what they need, in recent years they have begun trading with neighboring Soltustik, which needed supplies during the Grendel war. Their contribution during the war led to widespread knowledge of their agricultural prowess. It was not long before the Kuuliki Trade Company had established shipping routes to every major coastal city in the Republic of Batis.

At the present time, Batistiktar produced foodstuffs are shipped worldwide via the coastal routes and to Soltustik and Ælfgarade via land routes. The country's increased reliance on trade, for which they import everything from metal to magic, has caused them to sew and harvest many times what the country itself would consume.

The Batistiktar will sporadically practice Wodenism as a religion, but tend to prefer their own animistic religions with gods representing each of the major species of wildlife in Batis. This religion is passed through the oral tradition, and though it lacks the bookishness of other religions, it is rich in religious art. Symbols for the wolf, raven or orca can be recognized immediately by any Batistiktar and these symbols will often adorn their homes and holy places.

The people themselves can be typically distinguished by their darker features; tanned skin, brown eyes and black hair, often worn long by both males and females. As adventurers, the Batistiktar produce an unsurprisingly high number of rangers, druids and rogues due to their close connection with the natural world. This is a generalization, of course, as is possible for a Batistiktar to be produced of any skin/eye/hair color possible for a human with a calling to any of the adventurer archetypes.


An Ontustikter religious leader

These southern people of Ontustik are generally recognizable by their olive complexions, brown eyes and thick black hair. Their most common feature, however, is not physical. They are noted for their devotion to Aspan, the god of the sky and other deities of the Aspanist religion. In this regard, few Ontustikters would be found without clothing and/or symbols that are deferential to these gods and their religion.


A typical Ortalykshilar

These central plains people are a melting pot, of most of the people of Otan. The Ortalykshilar come in every size, shape, hair colour and skin tones ranging from snow white to ebony black. While there is no one type of Ortalykshilar the majority are fair skinned, with square jaws and hair ranging from red to brown.

Due to their central location, The Ortalykshilar are far more likely than other humans on Otan to have business and personal relationships with other humanoids including, but not limited to Ælfes, Dweorges, Aydahar and even their former enemies, the Grendel. It is not unusual to find Kuulik Trade Company representatives facilitating trade in Ortalyk's major cities and this all ties into the center of the universe culture that the Ortalykshilar have created.

The Ortalykshilar have a culture that is particularly respectful to Woden, Wodenism and the gods within that pantheon. The capitol of Kala Astanals is the holy city of that religion and through the Ortalykshilar, take the message of Woden to every nation in Otan.

While every Ortalykshilar is likely to speak the common Otani language, it is not unusual for an Ortalykshilar to speak one of any of the other languages of their trading partners.

Sigis Turgindar

A typical Sigis Turgindar

These eastern people of Otan are extremely wrapped in their many traditions. Few things in the society of the Sigis Turgindar take place without the ceremony and accoutrements of centuries past. The Sigis Turgindar are incredibly respectful of their ancestors, who they believe continuously evaluate their lives from the afterlife.

These eastern people practically worship quality craftsmanship, creating some of the best trade goods the world has to offer. This has resulted in some extensive trade routes, which extend from their home country of Sigis around the world.

The features of the Sigis Turgindar can vary greatly with a range of skin tones, though their hair color is consistently darkish brown to black. In rare cases they might have green, hazel or even yellowish eyes.


A typical Karazaliktar

These southern people are have largely dark skin and features. Variations exist, but are rare.


A typical Soltustikter

Northerners range in skin tones from pinkish to pure white, with light features. Variations are rare though they tend to produce many half-elves.

Player Notes