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The Sea Goddess Teniz
Type Goddess (Baksi)
Religion Baksism
God of The Sea
Related To Ana (mother)

Teniz is one of three elemental Baksi who represents the waters of Otan. She is said to appear in a mermaid form in the company of unusually blissful sea creatures. It would be unlikely to be able to commune with Teniz outside of a nautical setting as she keeps to her domain. The followers of Teniz will insist, however, that she can be found inhabiting freshwater rivers and lakes, though admittedly only the very large ones. Even to the faithful her preference appears to favour large bodies of water.


To fulfil their ultimate destiny, humans have no choice but to conquer the sea. This is difficult when even ordinarily occurring storms are more than a match for the best of human seagoing vessels. Further, large sea creatures in Otan's oceans have been known to swallow vessels whole. In times like these an unlucky sailor's prayers to Teniz may be the difference between life and death.

[[File:TenizArt.png|thumb|center|600px|Teniz and her creatures of the sea.

The goddess has been known to intervene and save vessels and entire crews from the ravages of storms or the hungry maws of giant creatures from the deep. Even lone sailors washed away to the sea have found salvation from Teniz in the form of a wayward breeze or current directing them back to the safety of the land.