Bubbles Littlefoot

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Bubbles Littlefoot
A Portrait of Bubbles Littlefoot
Campaign The Collateral Campaign
Player Name LoverThem
Race Sweardælf (gnome)
Nationality Kiskentay
Class (lvl) Sorcerer

Bubbles Littlefoot is a member of The Collateral Campaign.

About Bubbles


Bubbles is the epitome of "water off a ducks back;" things that are said to her or about her have the tendency to roll right off. This can come off as quite arrogant at times but the young Gnome can be blind to this flaw. She cares deeply for those who she becomes close to even if this is usually very rare for her. Bubbles can come off as a bit of a chatter box, when she is scared she might make jokes that are not on brand for the situation at hand; this is a coping mechanism she uses to deal with fear. When left alone Bubbles can be seen writing in her journal as she is always searching for answers to the dying forest by her home village. Bubbles loves foliage and fungi, she will often pick mushrooms if she can find them and make concoctions or consume them if they are safe.

Special Abilities

Future Aspirations
