Memes of Aspan

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Revision as of 22:27, 15 March 2021 by OtanSysop (talk | contribs)
Mes of Enlil
One of the Mes of Enlil
Author Enlil
Language Common
Genre Religion
Known Copies One (partial)
Format Loose tablets
Year Written Before Erasure
Magical Likely
Religion Aspanism
Pages/Scrolls 64

There are said to be sixty-four Mes of Enlil which were mistakenly shared with the Otani people by Enki. Each me is thought to be of an extremely magical nature, bearing the blueprints of the universe. These come in the form of simple instructions for life on Otan from how to be a god, to how to soothe a troubled heart.


The Mes of Enlil were either written by or simply collected by Enlil at a time supposed predated all life on Otan. He entrusted them to Enki, who in turn either misplaces or deliberately gave the mes to the humans in what is now Ontustik.

Known Copies

They Mes of Enlil have evidently been scattered to the four winds or destroyed, with only one or two of the mes in the hands of the Caliphate of Ontustik. The priesthood has not been public about what they do or do not possess, nor have they made any approximations as to the power that each me might possess.


Player's Notes