
From OtanWiki
A Grendel Tabletop Gamer
Race Grendel
Subraces Half-Grendel
Patron Deity Woden
Vision Darkvision
Diet Omnivorous
Lifespan 50 years
Language Otani, Grendel
Terrain Any
Height 6+ ft (180 cm)
Weight 230‒280 lb (100‒130 kg)
Skin Color Any, typically red
Hair Color Black, grey, white
Eye Color Variable
Distinctions Aggressive, low foreheads, tusks
Inspired by orc, LotR, endless fantasy references
5e Equivalence Orcs on Fandom
5e Alignment Tend toward Chaotic Evil

Grendel... what's up with those guys.

Grendel Variants

Kalas Grendel

A Kalas Grendel.

The Kalas Grendel are the backbone of Grendel civilization, populating the cities, entering trade and fueling the economy.

Maerc Grendel

A Maerc Grendel.

The Maerc Grendel are ....

Sogis Grendel

A Sogis Grendel.

The Sogis Grendel are the backbone of Grendel military might.


A Half-Grendel.

The Half-Grendel are ...

Grendel Countries


Maercland Home of the Grendel.