Nasaran the Bloodletter

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Nasaran the Bloodletter
A Portrait of Nasaran the Bloodletter
Titles Bloodletter of...
Race Greater Demon
Nationality Nether World
Archetype Succubus
Religion Atheist
Home Nether World
Birthdate/Place unknown
Deathdate/Place unknown
5e Equivalence Greater Demon
5e Alignment Evil

Nasaran the Bloodletter is the apparent ruler of the .... She is a giant of a beast and appears to be constructed of human, bovine, and draconic flesh, but with the wrapping of something entirely demonic. Her skin is pale white as are the coatings of her wings.

He may be found wielding any number of different weapons, but prefers a combination of a flaming sword and flaming whip, which he dual wields. She has a razor-sharp tail that she uses liberally to let blood from her victims. While she likely possesses other powers, these are as yet unknown.



Nasaran the Bloodletter has been wishing to take vengeance upon the Ninth Lotus of Aspan.

Player Notes