Second Session

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Second Session
The Party Creates a Strategem
Campaign The Primordial Campaign
Start Date Sawir 27, 621 IM
Start Location Koboldy Rock, Ortalyk
Ending Date Sawir 27, 621 IM
Ending Location Koboldy Rock, Ortalyk

At the end of their first day of travel, the party left the road, set up their watches and camped out in the woods.

First Watch Shenanigans

The ranger Rayjok sensed overhead flippy flapping and got a good sight of a Dragonwrought Kobold, also known as an Urd. He chased it out to it's landing spot. Much fighting when a second one arrived and attacked the cleric Greef Roake. Greef's armor proved too much for the beast and the day was won.

Discovering the Keep

The party discovered the keep about 1/2 a day's ride further up the road. It was crawling with kobolds and urds... and a few armored tough looking kobolds of unknown might.

Laying the Trap

The party laid various snare traps to the north side of the keep opposite the keep's main gate. Additionally, they built a large signal fire to lure out kobolds, leaving Panamon Cree on the southern end of the keep prepared to infiltrate.

Forest Gumping to Victory

The signal fire did not burn well and was not noticed at all by the Urd lookouts, who can't see very well in the midday sun. When Obsidian Black started lighting up trees, however, the Kobolds acted sending a contingent of kobolds and urds out to investigate via an escape tunnel. They engaged the party from the rear, nearly overwhelming them, but Matteo and Greef held their own and slowly the tables turned.

Meanwhile, Panamon Cree kazzert'd a kobold and engaged another Urd during his 'infiltration' of the keep and escaped over the north wall. Cree rejoined Rayjok (who was struggling with an Urd he had lured down from the keep tower) and Black (who appeard from the woods just in time to vaporize said Urd) and the trio returned to the woods north of the keep (near the tunnel egress) as the remainder of the sleeping keep inhabitants began to rouse and regroup.

The party collected itself in the north woods to formulate a new strategy. They decide the Scooby Doo approach, to break up the party and attack the overwhelming numbers in a pincer movement. Greef and Obsidian mount the assault on the tunnel, while the remainder return to the northwest tower, with Panamon Cree's rope still dangling from it.

The latter group ascend the rope while the former carefully walk down the tunnel corridor toward the keep, noting small kobold-sized openings in sections of the tunnel.