Jonas Draktar

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Jonas Draktar
A Portrait of Jonas Draktar
Titles Grand Admiral of Araldar
Race Aydahar
Nationality Araldar
Archetype Fighter
Religion Wodenism
Home Jagalik, Jagalik Barony, Araldar
Birthdate/Place 15th of Silde, 228 IM Kairat, Segizayak Barony, Araldar
5e Equivalence Rogue (20)
5e Alignment Lawful Good

Grand Admiral Jonas Draktar is the supreme leader of the Union of Araldar. Because of the military nature of the Araldar government there are little or no checks on Draktar's power. Only the military bureaucracy reigns in the Araldar leaders, which is surprisingly strict. Unlike hereditary governments, the succession of Draktar is well sorted out based on naval military rank.


Jonas Draktar's most regrettable career decisions would mostly likely be his idea to set up a naval blockade to prevent the Garis navy from approaching Araldar from the southern coast of Otan. Ultimately, this left the Araldar fleet utterly destroyed and sunk of the coast of Ontustik.

Future Aspirations

As Jonas Draktar is currently presumed dead, one could assume his future aspirations might include not being dead. If he is captured, perhaps to be rescued. Either way, he is undoubtedly desirous of some revenge against the Garis, who destroyed is magnificent fleet and likely himself.