Holy Week

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Holy Week
Symbol of Holy Week
Season Autumn
# of Month 12th of year
Days 30
Symbol The Eye (of Woden)
Follows Jeltoskan
Precedes Kantar

Holy Week is a special "month" on the Otan calendar marking the week between the Otan autumn and winter. Holy week is usually a truncated to a five day week, but every 6 years, a leap day is added to give it six days. The 6th day is considered very auspicious by those who carefully observe their religions.

While there are many religions observed on Otan, few of them fail to mark Holy Week as part of their own unique observances and the few on the entire continent of Otan fail to mark the "Sixth of Sixth" leap day, occurring every six years.

Holy Week Symbols

The following symbols are representational of Holy Week.

Holy Week Observances

The following observances take place during Holy Week.

  • Sixth of Sixth - The leap day occurring every six years considered the holiest of holy days.