Bubbles Littlefoot

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Bubbles Littlefoot
A Portrait of Bubbles Littlefoot
Campaign The Collateral Campaign
Player Name LoverThem
Race Sweardælf (gnome)
Nationality Kiskentay
Class (lvl) Sorcerer

Bubbles Littlefoot is a member of The Collateral Campaign.

About Bubbles


Bubbles is the epitome of "water off a ducks back;" things that are said to her or about her have the tendency to roll right off. This can come off as quite arrogant at times but the young Gnome can be blind to this flaw. She cares deeply for those who she becomes close to even if this is usually very rare for her. Bubbles can come off as a bit of a chatter box, when she is scared she might make jokes that are not on brand for the situation at hand; this is a coping mechanism she uses to deal with fear. When left alone Bubbles can be seen writing in her journal as she is always searching for answers to the dying forest by her home village. Bubbles loves foliage and fungi, she will often pick mushrooms if she can find them and make concoctions or consume them if they are safe.

Special Abilities

Future Aspirations


Life didn't pan out the way the Bubbles Littlefoot would have hoped but when life gives you whiskey and a cloth you make a Molotov. To say it's been a bit explosive would be an understatement; Bubbles was born to a very loving mother and a father who's heart was filled with a seething hate for the world. It only took until adulthood for Bubs to realize that pickpocketing and the five finger discount wasn't going to create a very nice life. Bubbles set out to change herself and that's what she did, she told herself that if every action was for her betterment than they could be justified in the long run.. this was her fuel to keep going.

Lucille Debrough met Alistor Littlefoot while she was out picking greens for her families dinner salad, she was a young Gnome of 35 and Alistor was not much older. He rode up on his *full* sized mount and Lucille swooned; Alistor stood at 4'6 which is quite tall for a Sweardaelf, a miracle really. When Lucille told Bubbles the story of how they met, this was the part where her mother would sigh and say: "The rest is history, and those were happier times;" before looking at her father with slight disgust. When Bubbles was young she thought this was endearing but as she grew older she saw why her mother held such resentment for the man that dared call himself her father. The same resentment would sit on Bubbles' shoulders as she grew.

At the age of 10 Bubbles started to hear the words of the forest, her mark of the scribe making words feel like actual beings. She heard stories of the forest dying and pleading for help but any time she brought this up to her parents or other adults in her life they would brush it off as an over active imagination.. deep down Bubbles knows the calls for help were real.

The lack of attention and broken household that surrounded Bubbles caused her to act out, and more often than not she would find herself in trouble with her parents, or the law around her small village. Most people in town saw her as the girl with no future. Feeling like an outcast at home, Bubbles left at the young age of 40; headed for the free lands to Join the Navy where she could feel.. accepted. It wasn't long that Bubbles was gaining networks worth of people as she quickly took up to smuggling when she met a woman by the name of Skilli. Skilli was her commanding officer and saw something quite unique in Bubbles, after becoming business partners they would become part time lovers, always keeping things open ended between them.