Ornel Harlhome

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Ornel Harlhorne
Ornel Harlhorne.png
A portrait of Ornel Harlhorne
Campaign The Tertiary Campaign
Player Name Blaize
Race Ælf
Class (lvl) Fighter

Ornel Harlhorne is a member of The Tertiary Campaign.

About Ornel

Ornel is a Dark Ælf born in Ælfgarad, at 87 years old he is a well trained and strictly postured fighter who lived among a rather large community of elf's who worshiped Lolth. He is 6ft 7 with purple skin, red eyes and dark blue hair. He dresses in light armored clothes to be able to nimbly move around the battle field at large. He wanders idly as a sword for hire at the moment. With a military rank he is loyal to his former organization where he trained and the people who lived there, he will not stand for any mistrust of his kind and will be quick to point out anyone to give him a side eye.


A reserved man who will observe for the most part peoples interests and craves the be liked by people due to his fear of loneliness. Banished from original home due to his curiosity of the other races in the world, he fears the wrath of his Goddess, being completely isolated from any friends and family he had. He is very humbled by his experiences and rarely would command anyone to do anything anymore. On the other hand, he is a good follower due to this, if given a job he will do anything to see it get done.

He has a very weak will when it comes to temptations of all kinds, gambling is one of his worst. He has many vices beyond that, and while extremely focused in combat situations in downtime he can get very easily distracted by the world and it's entertainments.

Special Abilities

Future Aspirations
