Barron Jetesiz

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Barron Jetesiz
The Hellspawn Paladin Barron Jetesiz
Campaign The Primordial Campaign
Player Name Austin a.k.a. Trash
Race Hellspawn (tiefling)
Nationality Shuwalu
Class (lvl) Paladin
Alignment Chaotic Good
Parents Unknown

Barron Jetesiz is a member of The Primordial Campaign.

==About Barron== Barron Jetesiz is a devout follower of the God of Mischief Loki and a proud companion and protector (not that she needs it) of Sarani Devalinth. He is 26 years old, and weighs 170 lbs. Barron is usually found alongside lifelong friend Sarani Devalinth, believing he owes her more than he could ever repay.

===Personality=== Barron Jetesiz loves to make people smile, both through playful banter as well as small acts of kindness to those he feels are down on their luck. Through Barron's eyes, he will always see Sarani Devalinth as the stronger one, not fully believing in himself or his capabilities. With that, he always pushes himself to be better and hopes one day he can repay an unpayable debt he has.

Special Abilities

Future Aspirations
