Kizil Aydahar Region

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Kizil Aydahar Region
A Map of Kizil Aydahar
Country Aydahar Confederation
Capitol Kizil
Head of State Dildar Karïma
Government Eldest of the Kizil Aydahar Region
Location Aydahar Confederation
Land Area 11,304 sq. miles
Population 693,018
Kizil Aydahar Region Statistics
Land mass (sq. mi.) 11,304
Rural population 672,719
Urban population 20,299
Total population 693,018

Kizil Aydahar Region, also known as the Red Dragon Region is a region of 693,018 souls in the country of Aydahar Confederation. Kizil Aydahar Region is administered from the provincial capital Kizil by the Eldest of the Kizil Aydahar Region Dildar Karïma. Kizil, the only settlement in the region is quite small for a region this size, owing to the general distaste for urban life that the Red Aydahar possess.

Dildar Karïma was appointed to the position of Eldest of the Kizil Aydahar Region by the Eldest of Aydahar. Dildar Karïma is responsible for affairs both (red) dragon and Aydahari. This responsibility has proved contentious for previous Elders due to the unpredictable nature of red dragons, particularly during wartime.


Kizil Aydahar is a region of 693,018 souls in the country of Aydahar.

  • Kizil - (pop. 20,299) - Capitol - Rakhat Askarbek has been appointed to the position of Eldest of Kizil. The Town Eldest of Kizil is a position that may either be granted by the Eldest of Aydahar or through natural attrition. The Town Eldest is often quite literally the eldest Aydahar in the settlement.


Kizil Aydahar has a number of goods and services. Venues include:

Local Factions and Personalities

Player Notes
