Wrecking Crew

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Wrecking Crew
The Fighter's Club, Wrecking Crew
Country Various
Location Several
Leader unknown
Headquarters unknown, possibly Kala Astanals
Membership unknown
Associations unknown
Racial Mix unknown, appears mostly human
Founded unknown
Founded by unknown
Luminaries unknown

Followers of the Uris Maxabbat‎ this loose association of fighters meet to exchange tips on fighting... and to fight. Chapters of the Wrecking Crew can be found all over Otan though they are known to sprout up and disappear just as quickly as they come.

Those who have visited more than one of the chapters Wrecking Crew might note that different fighing styles are preferred from one chapter to the next. It is assumed that these techniques related back to the fabled strategy guide, the Uris Maxabbat‎.

Player Notes